
How to Use a Lease Option to Buy Your New Home

With the markets getting tighter due to so many foreclosures and bankruptcies, lease option has become an easier way to purchase your first home. Lease option or sometimes referred to as "Rent-to-own" is a simplified measure where the seller allows you to rent the home and pay a portion of the money towards the down payment.

There are many types of lease options and many types that should never be entered into. Many buyers have lost their initial "option fee" by not protecting their self completely. As a former Broker and owner of a Real Estate Firm, I handled many of these transactions and I will try and protect you from making any mistakes.

Basics of a Lease Option:

The ideal of a lease option is an option (agreement to purchase in the future) that the buyer may or may not exercise. They will rent the home for an agreed upon price, plus an amount of money for the down payment. The seller will deduct the down payment from the price of the home each month. The buyer needs to keep very good records with full receipts for the bank, when they do finance.

An example of a property I handled, was a selling price of $143,000 with an option fee of $5000. The buyers had to pay $1200 each month and $600 went towards the down payment. They were given 5 years to exercise their option.

Problems with a Lease Option:

Due to falling house prices, will the home appraise for the agreed upon sales price? In many times, the home sold under a lease option is sold at a very high price. I might say that the price is higher than normal. The buyer in many cases will agree to this as they cannot qualify for the house on their own. If the buyer is not protected, he could loose his option money and be forced to vacate the property.

If for any reason the buyer does not maintain the monthly agreed upon amount of money, he could forfeit his option money and be forced to vacate the property. Trying to save some money, many buyers and sellers will opt not to go to escrow or hire an agent to negotiate the deal and this could be a huge mistake.

How to purchase a home with a lease option and protect your investment:

1. Always have the property appraised.

2. Always hire a Realtor or a lawyer to represent you.

3. Go through escrow and set up a savings account where the monthly money is deposited in an account. Let the escrow company pay the mortgage payment and then give the remainder to the seller. This protects the buyer and allows them to see that the mortgage payment is being met. Never pay the seller directly, as you cannot be assured where the money is going.

4. Have escrow draw up proper papers with all the said terms of the option. Document in the agreement that the seller may not refinance the property or place any liens against the property.

5. Place a contingency in escrow that the property must appraise at the time of financing or the seller must agree to reduce the price. Should the seller refuse to reduce the price, then all option money and down payment must be returned to the buyers.

6. Require a title policy, showing exactly how many liens are currently on the property and who is the proper owners. Make sure that the person signing the papers are the legitimate owners.

7. Pay all the money to escrow in the form of a cashier's check. This is documentation for the bank later when you finance the property.

8. All money deposited into the arranged bank account should be paid in the form of checks or the buyer should receive a receipt from the bank.

9. Get a second opinion as to the value of the property. Such as comps from a title company or a few market analysis from a competitive Realtor.

10. Do not make very many upgrades to the property until you are sure that you will indeed buy the property.

A lease option is just that. You have the option to purchase the property or not. It is a good way to see what kind of condition the property is in. In a normal lease option, the buyer is responsible for all repairs. A lease option can be a very good way for the first time buyer to purchase a home and have their money going towards something tangible in life. Considering the money spent on rent could be the same thing as interest, so nothing is really lost on that part.

If the buyer is careful with his investment, opens an escrow account and has the property appraised, the transaction can go very smoothly. A typical escrow may close in as little as one week and then the buyer can move into their new home. It can be a win-win situation for both the buyer and the seller.

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